
Forums Vs. Social Networks
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Author:  n0th1n [ Fri May 31, 2013 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Forums Vs. Social Networks

General discussion about the differences between forums and social networks, their benefits and problems, and their history and usage.

Lately, I've been considering this a good bit. Forums used to be fairly popular on the internet, but it seems social networks have overshadowed it a lot now. They do fill different roles, but I feel like social networks have taken people away from the traditional forum.

One of the key differences I see is Forums encourage equal, collaborative and authority moderated discussion. Social networks are more individual centric and targeted, and involve moderation primarily by whoever is the Original Poster. In a forum, you start a thread or topic for discussion. In a social network, you mostly just post something, usually on YOUR own space of some sort, and then others that see it can leave "comments" if the original poster allows it, and subject to the original posters moderation. The social network is much more about presenting yourself, largely without anonymity, to a world, and presenting your ideas or what have you, and allowing others to approve or give feedback on it, with the original poster maintaining focus.

Personally, although "social networks" are supposed to connect more people, it seems to me like it, in many ways, encourages us to put up walls and think of ourselves as separated in a larger way than forums do.

Author:  Pantsman [ Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Forums Vs. Social Networks

"social networks" are supposed to connect more people, it seems to me like it, in many ways, encourages us to put up walls and think of ourselves as separated in a larger way than forums do."

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. I thought social networks knocked down barriers like alcohol knocks down inhibitions?

Author:  LordofFlames [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Forums Vs. Social Networks

YomToxic wrote:
"social networks" are supposed to connect more people, it seems to me like it, in many ways, encourages us to put up walls and think of ourselves as separated in a larger way than forums do."

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. I thought social networks knocked down barriers like alcohol knocks down inhibitions?

We had a conversation in the AJAX chat once, about the difference between people and people. The general populace, given full access to individuality without fighting for it, simply runs rampant from their own perspective and values, with no moderation what so ever. On a forum, people in general (mostly those with at least one braincell and more) think twice before they post something or post an opinion, because they are not in control. The mods/admins control the forum, and thus the people become "disciplined". But on a social network where you have your own space, every person gets the "my way or the highway" possibility, resulting in anarchy and quite frankly, retardness.

Why I say that, is because when one looses moderation from others, one must moderate oneself. And people hate disciplining themselves, since they want this and that, and cant be stopped from "attaining" it when given the chance, acting like spoiled children. So naturally, people get drawn to social networks because it makes them become like todays politican or big company bosses. They get full control, but also tries to use it to escape any and all responsibility.

And thus, there is only a few in every part of humanity, who i think are truly "fit" for social networking, while i think a forum can be adapted to anyone, as long as they keep in the line of common sense (unless the mods and admins are retards of course lol). Before social networking, forums was your only choice unless you kept yourself to IM programs like msn and AOL, or other programs that actually connected people etc. , where as now, people are free to do whatever.

I've said it before and i say it again. Freedom is not being able to do whatever you want, because that often rolls over someone elses freedom. And thus, the "connecting" of social networking only happens to those who can handle it. The rest does as they do in real life to people. Act like assholes without consequences. And those who are actually fit for social networking, know who they are. Those who are not, convinces themselves that they are, or have no clue.

/end rant

Author:  Resilence [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Forums Vs. Social Networks

Key difference is that in social network case someone make money on data that you put in there. Statistic (and other) data about people, preferences etc. have high price to many many people, from commercial companies to government.
Twitter, Facebook etc. have done something that even any political police couldn't do. Big data storage on people, giving information about them willingly, something that before had to be mostly forced out of them or stolen.
So yes, social nets are made on more self-centered user design in comparison to forums since they want people to talk about themselves. "what do you like?", "Where do you live?", "what's your job?", "any favorite food?", "where have you studied?", "What do you belive in?", "For who will you vote this year?" ...
In forums you have different topics and content, on social nets content and topic is "You". Simple. :heh
We live in world where information is more valuable than gold.

Author:  Odin Anarki [ Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forums Vs. Social Networks

And seriously, all that information is actually working... I'm actually starting to actively ENJOY the fucking commercials the very sparse times I watch TV

I'm glad I've shut myself of entirely from any media feeds long, long ago

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