
So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party
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Author:  n0th1n [ Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

Currently I am unaffiliated since after long hard searches I was dissatisfied with all political parties I could find. Some were better than others, granted, but none satisfied me. So, after looking in all the most likely places, I turn to probably one of the worst places: You guys!

Alright, so find me a political party you think is good and tell me why.

Go ahead and post whatever U.S. Political Party you want and I'll look at it. Republicans and Democrats need not apply, however.

Author:  CarsitoPyg [ Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

The National Socialist Workers Party.

I here they're taking Italians now!

Author:  BlackAmethyst [ Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

There is no such thing as a satisfactory political party. Ever.


Author:  n0th1n [ Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

Sure there is, I'm sure the people that start various parties are at least SATISFIED with them. Doesn't mean they are perfect, but meet a certain level of satisfaction.

But, if not, then that explains my unaffiliated status.

Author:  n0th1n [ Sun Jul 12, 2009 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

Well, that's what we are supposed to be SEARCHING for here.


Or, get a few hundred thousand people together and found one.

Author:  psychokittyboy [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

Do what I did, join the Zombie Party of the U.S.

Bassically, we just vote Zombie Reagan... one day we shall win...

Author:  cluelessfurball [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

I have the same problem with Canadian Political parties. Canada needs a Centrist political party.

Consertive - They like a ligh version of the Republican political party in the US. They mostly concentrate on being tough on crime, the milatary, they're totally against gay marriage (like anyone cares)
Liberal - Like consertive, but has more of a liberal approach to stuff, though like the consertives favours the corperations and the rich. They're so alike and the only difference is Liberals have human rights policys that arent discriminatory.
NDP - Mostly concentrates on human rights, enviromental and poverty reduction. And ironically even though they're policys are to reduce poverty, I think they'd just increase it.

Id never vote for any of these political parties. I want to vote, but I dont feel like voting for a party that sucks or doesnt seem to be concentrating on what matters overall. I mean, the consertives, what bearing does it have having homos marry? How about the Liberals, they'd just give tax breaks to corps which is wrong since if they arent self sufficient you should just let them die. And the NDP with their poverty reduction, wow lets give welfare reciepents more money! That'll make poverty less bad. Wow that's a really great idea.

Author:  BlackAmethyst [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

You just said something really true and something really dumb a few milimeters away.

1) Companies: We're in a recession, Alcoa has a factory in my city which is the most efficient worldwide and they're in major deficit but only because of the recession. Because of it, nobody buys their products anymore but they have thousands of employees to pay WITHOUT their usual income. Do you have an idea how that could cost pay salaries of that many employees plus maintenance of the facilities. Hell this place is as big as a small city by itself! So yeah, let's all the companies go bankrupt! we'll all lose your job, but it sure as hell will help us jobless morons to advance!
2)Welfare: You're actually right on this one. A lot of people here chose to not work because the welfare money is enough for them and they'd rather live off the system with little money and do nothing of their lives than work. If they increase welfare, this will just worsen.

Author:  「H A N Z O」 [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

Ron Paul. Nough said :)

Author:  cluelessfurball [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd like to find a good U.S. Political party

I think the only policy agenda I liked that the consertives were pushing was making the medicare system two tier, it only makes sense, espeicly with the ressession. Though I think two tier is a silly idea in some ways. I think they just should make certain things totally private, the goverment will only pay for essential health care and other health care that's very expensive make it totally private.

There's certain branches of health that should be privatised until the science they are using is more confirmed. Most of psychiatry is pseudo scientific, it actually hurts a lot of people and it's so intergrated into society and people blindely follow it that a lot of people are labeled mentally ill that really shouldnt be.

The medications psychiatrists use are so crude and dangerous and they over prescribe them to children. If people had to pay for their fancy toxic pills there would be less damage to society. Most politiciens dont seem to give a fuck how many people psychiatry makes unemloyable. Oh no, my kid is hyperactive, oh well let's give little johny a anti psychotic and he will be in line! Then he will be doped up and have to pay attention in class, or we can give him ritalin and he'll be too stoned to miss-behave.

Post secondary education should be free (sort of like what France has) Paying for people to get educated would help poverty in the long wrong. More people educated = less unemployed people. Another way to help poverty is to cut taxes on certain income brackets, or reduce taxes over all.

And that's some things I thought of, though I'm having trouble finding a good political party I like. I'm going to have to vote for one that's okay. Though there may be one I'm not aware of somewhere... It's a pain in the ass.

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